Men's Player
Rank | Name | PDGA | State/Prov | Top 3's | Wins |
159 | Sean McClary | 162180 | PA | 1 | |
160 | Jared Holt | 150784 | IL | ||
161 | Noah Dougherty | 116312 | IA | ||
162 | Derrick Bishop | 215698 | AL | ||
163 | Harriss Vann | 234662 | NC | ||
164 | Ben Knops | 214272 | KS | ||
165 | Grant Barnes | 136262 | CO | ||
166 | Parker Choate | 183794 | IA | ||
167 | Nick Boland | 188107 | MO | ||
168 | Owen Logsdon | 191029 | KY | ||
169 | Keenan Guilfoyle | 183924 | KS | ||
169 | Nate McFail | 169377 | MO | ||
169 | Jesse Fletcher | 235607 | MO | ||
172 | Connor Blesy | 220376 | MI | ||
173 | Danny Hamilton | 193452 | NC | ||
174 | Aiden Ferguson | 154399 | OK | ||
176 | Josh Hickman | 148136 | MO | ||
177 | Brian Lafata | 207888 | MI | ||
178 | Brandon Leonard | 180405 | LA | ||
179 | Jacob Fulhorst | 127555 | MO | ||
180 | Hunter Williams | 130109 | KS | ||
181 | Phillip Lawrence | 151861 | TX | ||
182 | Samuel Park | 214657 | TX | ||
183 | Sander Morrison | 234651 | UT | ||
184 | Kyle Couper | 150350 | AL |
WOMen's Player
Rank | Name | PDGA | State/Prov | Top 3's | Wins |
Men's TEAM
Rank | Name | Wins | Top 3's | DI | DII |
WoMen's TEAM
Rank | Name |
Rankings are created with data collected from collegiate disc golf team events within the current season and the last National Championships. All rostered players with PDGA numbers and current College Disc Golf Memberships are included.
Results from events with two or more teams are included in the rankings.
Tournaments are given a base placing value of 1000 points. Players receive points according to the percentage of players that they finished ahead of multiplied by the total placing points. Teams also receive 150 points for participating and 100 points for finishing. The winners of the event receive a 100 point bonus. The average of points earned from each tournament with the team’s worst finish only counting half and the player’s best finish counting twice plus 20 points for each event played in.
Players’ averaged PDGA round ratings from College Disc Golf events will count towards the rankings. For players with more than 1 event, their best rated round counts twice.
The sum of tournament points earned and the averaged PDGA ratings points determine the Player Rankings. Rankings gender separation will be based upon results play in gender protected divisions according to PDGA guidelines.
Rankings are created from data collected from collegiate disc golf team events within the current season and the last National Championships. All teams that have registered with CDG are included.
Results from events with three or more teams are included in the rankings. The last National Championship berths will be awarded to the highest ranked teams that are not already qualified.
Tournament Results
Tournaments are given a base placing value of 1,000 points plus 5 times the number of teams participating in the event. Teams receive points according to the percentage of teams that they finished ahead of multiplied by the total placing points. For example, if a tournament has 13 teams attending there will be 1,065 placing points (13*5=65).
Compilation of Results
The average of points earned from each qualifier tournament is used to calculate each team’s qualifier season average. That total counts towards 60% of a team’s adjusted total. Each team’s point total from the last National Championships counts as the other 40% of the adjusted total. Teams also receive 25 points added to their adjusted total for each event they play in.
During the Season:
- All teams will receive 150 points for participating in any College Disc Golf event.
- Teams that finish their qualifier event will receive 100 points.
- All teams will receive 300 points for participating in the National Championships.